Ultima modifica: 16 Gennaio 2017

Office hours

The office is located in “Paolo and Larissa Pini” school, via Stefanardo da Vimercate, 14.  20128 Milano Tel. Number: 02 88448652  fax: 02 88448659





Office hours



Monday 8:30-10:30 ==
Tuesday 8:30-10:30 ==
Wednesday 8:30-10:30 ==
Thursday 8:30-10:30 ==
Friday 8:30-10:30 ==


Nominativo Ambito
Mr Guido GLORIA Director of General and Administrative Services
Mr Marcello PASQUANDREA In charge of the staff
Mr Amedeo SCALESE In charge of the staff
Mrs Carmen De PASQUALE In charge of the didactics
Mrs Grazia di BELLA In charge of the didactics
Mrs Paola CIAMPA’ In charge of the didactics
Mrs Sabrina BRUNO In charge of the didactics


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